Join Us!

Bible Classes for all ages - 10:00 a.m.
Worship Gathering - 10:50 a.m.
Worship Gathering - 6:00 p.m.

Ladies’ Bible Class - 2:00 p.m.

Wednesday Night Warriors Youth Ministry - 6:00 p.m.
Bible Classes for all ages - 6:30 p.m.


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Upcoming Events

Ministries of the Goldthwaite Church of Christ

youth ministryThe Youth Ministry of the Goldthwaite church is a vibrant ministry led by Chris Biehl and a strong and supportive ministry team. Various activities are planned throughout the year to bring teens into closer fellowship with God and with each other. Wednesday Night Warriors, a current learning opportunity for youth, takes place every Wednesday evening with supper at 6:00 p.m., followed by a time of interactive learning and fellowship. All the youth of our area are welcome and encouraged to come!

quiltingGoldthwaite’s Ladies’ Ministry is a very active group. Ladies’ Bible Class meets every Thursday at 1:00 p.m. for a time of study and growth. Each quarter our ladies host a Ladies’ Night Out, a night dedicated to fellowship and renewal. Our Mission/Vision is to be women rooted in scripture, serving like Jesus with a heart for God, and open minds led by the Holy Spirit. 

2024 Schedule of Events

Coming October 2024, we will have "Sharefest", an annual free garage sale.


Each and every Monday, all men are invited to our fellowship hall at noon for a brown bag lunch and a time of prayer. Each week, we commit to praying for our schools, our country, and for growth of God’s Kingdom reign here, and all across the globe. We conclude in time for participants to go back to work by 1:00 p.m. All men are welcome!

The Life Groups Ministry at the Goldthwaite Church of Christ is dedicated to meeting the needs of members through building and strengthening relationships with one another and by providing assistance and help in times of need. Life Groups normally meet on Sundays at noon. To become a part of our Life Groups ministry, you may contact Carl and Sandra Spruell or William and Amye Eudy.

A group of dedicated members provide a time of fellowship and praise for the nursing homes in our area. A time of fellowship, singing and a short devotional bring the residents of our local nursing homes much joy. We begin on Wednesday mornings at 9:00 a.m. For more information, please see Fred Kramer.

1312 Reynolds St, Goldthwaite, TX 76844
PO Box 443

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